The European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) is Europe's leading institutional association in Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education (OOFHEC), and is at the heart of the modernization agenda of European universities. Growing from its 11 founding members in 10 European nations, EADTU now has a membership of 15 institutions and 14 national associations across 25 nations. Its membership covers over 200 universities and around 3 million students.
EADTU has a European coverage and is regarded as a key partner of the European Commission as far as lifelong open and flexible learning in distance higher education is concerned. The association is committed to the creation of a European Learning Space in accordance with the Bologna Declaration and the ET2020 Strategy.
EADTU operates in the field of 6 policy areas: Lifelong Learning, Research & Innovation, Open Education & MOOCs. Virtual Mobility, Skills & Employability and Quality Assurance.
Role in the project
EADTU is the E-SLP project coordinator, it takes care of the overall management and coordination of the project; supports the work package leaders in the conceptualization and deliverable of the planned outcomes; manages the finances of the project; keeps track of all the deadlines and reports to the European Commission.
Team members
George Ubachs (management/researcher)
Dr. Alessandra Antonaci (project coordinator/management/researcher)